Monday, July 25, 2011

And so it begins....

First time blogging ........lifetime of trying not to be fat.
I am sharing this journey with God, family, friends and anyone that would like to ride this roller coaster with me! I'm trying to lose weight without losing my mind! I know I will need lots of encouragement and support -so please stay with me thru this transformation and be honest with me every step of the way.
These are a couple of pics I have allowed to remain undeleted.  With the digital age -most are gone immediately after they are taken.  It is as though I don't exist within my own life.  I am ready to change that.......I am ready to allow myself to live ....I believe I am worth it.

I started this journey at 265 pounds.  This is something that I would NEVER tell anyone. Now I am 3 weeks into it and as of this morning 7/25/11 ........I weigh 244 lbs.  I am so embarrassed by putting this out there but honesty to myself is one of the changes I am incorporating into my transformation - so there it is.  It is what it is.
Much more to come .......


  1. I wanted to be your first comment but I am planning to give you a call later today. I just want to say how very proud I am of you and how much I love you. I'll be following! YOU can do this!

  2. You will do wonderfully! No need to be embarrassed...And, not to sound cliche, but it's not what's on the outside that people love about you. Having said that, I completely understand where you are coming from. I think that you may have just motivated me to make a life change as well! Good Luck...stay strong! <3

  3. Congratulations, You are on your way. Each ten pounds and new low is a celebration. Its a journey that doesn't happen over night. There may be some setbacks along the way but don't give up. YOU CAN DO IT!!!! Keep moving in the right direction!
